Summer reads.

I really need to get in the blogging routine again… I always used to schedule my posts and I have to say life was a lot easier when I did that but since the holidays started I haven’t been doing it and now that I ‘m back to school and have loads of homework it’s quite hard to go back into that routine.

The reason why I didn’t post my weekly post on Friday was because I was on my period and it was the very painful kind where you can’t move so you just watch YouTube videos instead and cry your eyes out because your watching an impression video of the characters from Tim Burton films which was beautiful… Basically when I’m on my period I get highly emotional and anything can make me cry.

Anyway, Anyhow… Here is a list of the books I have read this summer!



The face on the milk carton by Caroline b. Cooney

This has been one of the most annoying series I have read.  Let me explain…

So the first book I thought was brilliant, the second was okay but started to get boring as nothing was really happening so as nothing was happening I thought that they would be an amazing plot twist at the end. Guess what…There was non…But the ending just forces you to read the next book so much so your in a vicious circle until you’ve read all the 4 books and you just get very disappointed at the end of the series. The only thing that got me going was that it was very easy to read and of course the suspense. I give this book a 3/5

missMiss Peregrine’s home for Peculiar Children. by Ransom Gibbs

Everyone needs to read this book at least once in their lives especially if you like fantasy/ gothic books ( actually gothic in only some parts).

I give this book a 4/5.


The night itself by Zoe Marriott.

I read this book because I wanted to read something different so why not try a book about a Japanese samurai girl living in England. I loved this book! It was easy to read. There was loads of film and book references which I loved even though I didn’t see the matrix. There were some Japanese spirits which I discovered. I learnt that Sonic the hedgehog’s friend is a spirit! ( the brown one) I don’t blame you if you don’t remember that cartoon.  Plus all the characters in the book are so loveable!  I give this book a  4.5/5


We were liars by E.Lockhart. 

I mean this book is completely beautiful! READ IT NOW!

I give this book a 5/5.

noughts and crosses.png

Noughts and Crosses by Malorie Blackman.

Oh my god this book I’m reading at the moment is incredible it’s about segregation which is the first book I have read on this topic. Please give it a read!

I give this book a 5/5 so far.


That’s it! Have you read some of these books?  Which was your favourite book you read this summer? Has anyone read J.K Rowling’s new book? Have a great day and remember to read loads!



My bucket list.

For me the beginning of a new year is when I start school, not when the number of the year changes. So yeah and each beginning of school year I make myself a mental bucket list which I usually don’t manage to achieve. So today I’m going to share it with you guys and maybe sharing it will make it more achievable.

Revise each evening what I have learnt in my science lessons.

Me and Science we are not friends, you could call us enemies but not friends. Don’t start talking about chemistry because that’s the worse one…I’m rubbish at science and if I don’t start improving now I’ll probably won’t pass GCSE science which will suck because Science is pretty damn important. I want to start revising now because I have chosen quite hard GCSEs and next year if I have to revise loads of science I might give up or cry everyday.

Take photographs whatever the weather.

Last year I had a phase where I didn’t like taking photos anymore, I just found the world boring. This happened just after summer ended it lasted until this year’s summer started so I think I just don’t like taking photos in bad weather. I need to make the most of Autumn, winter and spring because all seasons are truly beautiful, I just can’t see it yet.

Read more.

I feel as if I choose YouTube over reading a bit to often. I feel so bad for doing so, it kills me from the inside. If you have any book recommendation I would love to hear them!

Do more art.

I just want to improve my art skills especially in drawing. And also I want to draw/paint other things than faces because that’s the only that I’m drawing lately.

Be more confident.

A year and a bit ago, I changed school and country, I think that lowered my confidence a lot, I’ve became a super shy person who felt awkward and felt like nobody new the real me. The past week, the first back to school week , I felt a change, I was more confident which I was hugely proud about, I don’t know what made me confident again. It could of been because the fact that I met a lot of new people or maybe the fact of restarting. Whatever the reason I’m happy about it.

Go swimming.

I love going swimming but I don’t go that often because most of the time when my family wants to go I’m on my period so that’s great, so when I’m not on my period I need to organise swimming pool trips. Plus swimming is the only sport that I actually like.

Yep this year I didn’t aim to do more sport and get healthy because I know I’m not going to achieve it, it’s been  3 years that I’ve wanted to be healthier and sportier though thinking about it I have managed to be healthier so that’s a good thing I guess. I know this post have been posted on Saturday and not on Friday, I don’t have an excuse for that so sorry.

Anyway I have to go to town now so bye ! Oh and tell me what you want to achieve this year in the comments!

Fantarica xx


5 tattoos that I love!

So tomorrow I’m going back to school and to be honest I haven’t really prepared myself, today all I have been doing is chasing flies with a newspaper and going on my phone scrolling through Pinterest and I may have discovered that tattoos can be cute… Basically I used to be against tattoos, I couldn’t see the point but at the moment I’m seeing some beautiful ones on people’s bodies. So I decided to have a little look on Pinterest to see if there was a tattoo which I would have an immediate crush on. Let me show you what I have found…


This one is so pretty! I think I would either have it done on my arm like on the picture or going all around my ankle. flower-500x500

This second I don’t want to have it but I just want to ask why would someone tattoo a bobby-pin on their body? I just don’t get it.27b3bd1d3f39ebdb1120987ed96je98d1

This one I could actually see myself having, I would have it on my big toe. In 4 years if I still like it I would get  it tattooed. It will represent all the happy memories at the beach and the happy summer days plus I find it cool so yeah definitely loving that one!


This is just freaking adorable! I love it so much. I would get it on the side of my 4th finger so that it’s nice and discrete. And if I don’t want to show it to some people I can just close my fingers.


This is truly beautiful. I admire the person who has that tattoo. It’s the most beautiful tattoo I have seen on the internet. I really want to walk past someone in the street with that tattoo, I love it so so much. This watercolour effect is great.


Well that’s it! I am becoming way more acceptable about tattoos, of course I still find some which shocks me quite a lot. I find that you can tell a lot from a person by just looking at their tattoo, you can see how intelligent they are, what they are into or what is important to them.

Do you want a tattoo? Tell me what kind of tattoo you want in the comments!

Wish me luck for my back to school!



Smoothie recipe+ 100 followers!

This is going to be a two part blog post as you can see from the title I think I’m going to start with a nice smoothie and finish with 100 lovely followers.

Every Summer I get obsessed over making smoothies, I get my inspiration from YouTube videos and Pinterest, most of them are disgusting, I mean why do I put kale in my smoothies when I don’t even like it!? or why do I add carrots to my smoothies when I know each time it doesn’t blend properly so it ends up me having to drink carrot bits. One thing I have learnt about making smoothies is to not add vegetables or to not try to aim for a green smoothie unless you are a smoothie master which I am  clearly not.

This time, for once, I managed to master the smoothie art! I finally made a fantastically yummy smoothie! I am so proud of it that I am going to share my recipe on the internet!

You will need:

75 ml of Orange juice.

75ml of Mango juice or you could also use mango chunks.

2 Bananas.

1 Nectarine.

Well I don’t really need to give directions for a smoothies because it is fairly easy, Just blend everything together and Voila! Oh I like freezing my bananas 1 hour before the blending so that I get a nice cold smoothie. I also like to add a small handful of red fruits to give it a bit more colour, if so I will sieve it because I hate having blueberry skin stuck between my teeth.

Well that’s the end of part 1, Shall we get started with the second part? I don’t know about you but I think we should.

On Monday something exciting happened to me, I reached 100 followers!Yay!

Honestly I did not think I would of been this happy, When I got the notification on my phone I started dancing around the kitchen ( I was making my lunch) grinning full of happiness.

I know that I am not the best of bloggers, I do not post more than twice a week, I forget to comment on posts that I love, my grammar is not the best, maybe some people don’t even like what I write but that’s fine by me. I didn’t get my 100 followers as quickly as most bloggers do but I don’t mind because blogging is not a big part of my life, It’s just a small hobby that I do to spend time apart from the real world, so I do not put my all into it like some bloggers do which I totally admire. I like it being a small hobby then I can concentrate more on my other hobbies because to be honest I’m quite bad at keeping hobbies.

I find the blogging community nice and cheerful. I think if people weren’t as nice, I would of probably given up. When I go on WordPress I feel as if I’m entering a crowd of lovely people smiling at each other and being supportive. It’s truly wonderful.

I just wanted to say thank you for all the lovely comments and thank to all 100 people for clicking that follow button. It means quite a lot to me.

Shout out to my last 5 followers:




it’s me saraa


So be sure to check them out because who knows you may discover your favourite blogger!

Hope you are had a nice summer! Bye!

Fantarica x





Get to know me.

I feel like this post should be a MUST on every blog, Your blog is not complete if you don’t have 25 facts about yourself! So today I am truly completing my blog, I am doing the 25 facts about myself! You’ll probably forget most of these facts and never think about this post again because you only remember 20 % of what you read per day. ( Nah… I just made that up I have no idea which percentage it is). Let’s get on with it!

  1. I am the eldest of three brothers.
  2. I put water on my toothbrush before and after applying the toothpaste.
  3. I am a YouTube addict.
  4. I could literally eat spaghetti Heinz in a tin everyday.
  5. I love taking pictures of flowers.
  6. I thought I used to be the girl who never burns in summer but my right shoulder’s skin is pealing because of how much I left the car window open.
  7. I am passionate about wanting to help Syrian refugees.
  8. I love visiting national trust places.
  9. I’m bad at sports but I like them.
  10. I’m starting my GCSEs courses next year , I have chosen to do History, German, Psychology and Art.
  11. I love painting.
  12. I don’t get the hype everyone has over pizza, it’s nice but not amazing.
  13. I am bilingual. (I speak French and English)
  14. I am very untidy but I am organised.
  15. If I’ve sat down on my sofa and there is kids program on the TV, I have to watch it until the end before I do something else, kids tv programs are so addicting.
  16. I didn’t like the book ” All the bright places”.
  17. I’m a massive film watcher.
  18. My favourite thing to eat at the moment are potato waffles.
  19. I love singing but I can’t sing
  20. My favourite Youtuber is Shane Dawson
  21. I live in flip flops
  22. When I was little I used to daydream about meeting my idol and sometimes I would cry because the thought of meeting them made me so happy (Shout out to Johnny Depp).
  23. I love mussels and chips.
  24. After reading a book I have to wait at least 2 days before starting another, so that everything that I’ve read sinks in and that I have a lot of time to think about it.
  25. One of my biggest fears is public speaking.

And there you guys go! That was my 25 facts! I hope that you guys feel as if you know me better because that was my plan.

I’m boiling, it’s so hot in the UK today! I know that in some countries it’s twice as hot but it feels as if it can’t get warmer than this.  Shout out to anyone who is also super warm.


Not worth putting a title #2

While your reading this I’m probably camping or on the way back from camping because it turned out that our tent wasn’t waterproof or I could be dead, My tent could of been struck by lightning, if that’s the case this could possibly be my last blog post.

In all honesty I don’t know what this post is going to be about I just thought that it was a good intro.

The camping trip I am on right now may not be the best one I’ve had because it’s going to be bad weather all week so…Why are we going? Basically I have to go back to school soon and that means that if we are not camping then we will not go camping at all.

I have downloaded 4 books on my kobo for the camping trip so that when it rains I won’t be bored doing nothing in the tent. I’m also taking my notebook and my sketchbook. So hopefully I will not get bored, fingers crossed.

I’m planning to take loads of photos so keep your eyes pealed for a photography post.

Last time I went camping I got this rubbish sleeping bag where I was colder in it than on it. I woke up a few times in the night so I hardly slept. This time I’ll thankfully have a warmer one.

Honestly I don’t even know why I’m telling you all this… Is this interesting? Probably not. I’m sorry if it’s not.

If I’ve bored you, you should go listen to Christine and the Queens she will not bore you at all, I’m obsessed.

My brother is reading everything that I’m writing out loud. He says “It’s true”. He’s laughing now.

Change of subject:

Last week I got stung by a bee! Two days before I had a conversation with a friend about bees and I told them that I hadn’t got stung for a long time. So never say that because it might just happen.

Basically I was sitting on a bench in a park, I heard loads of buzzes around me, I told my friend that I wasn’t so sure about this place, She said that we would be fine. But after 1 minute a bee flew in my face. It didn’t sting me though, I thought it was gone but it was hiding in my hair. So after about a minute it buzzed in my hair and I FREAKED out. Normally I would just wait for it to go. But I shacked my hair and it stung me. It felt like blood was running down my head. It must of been his venom. I ran away from the bench screaming trying to get rid of it but it wasn’t going away. So I hit my head with my jacket which is so stupid, I told you I freaked out… Plus there were people walking near us… ugh so embarrassing.

When I finally managed to get it out my friend took out the sting out of my head, thank god she had long nails. I felt sorry for the bee because I didn’t want him to die. So for 10 minutes I felt guilty.

Yep that’s my bee story.

Do you have any bee stories? I’d love to hear them

Bye! Have a nice day!





The French goes shoppping!

HEY!It’s a beautiful day today! Nice and warm , I hope where you are the weather is nice! I told you in my last post my friend from France was coming! YAY! Well she’s here! Let’s call her Lola. She always wanted to be called Lola when she was little.

Anyway Lola and me went to visit a nice big city, we went to an art museum which was beautiful plus it was free! Then we went shopping! To be honest we visited a bit too many shops, basically there was the main shopping centre but there wasn’t any Primarks , bearing in mind that we had already walked a lot and we weren’t quite sure how to get back to the train station so we went to ask two girls who were carrying a Primark bag where the shop was, and then we went to Primark which was quite far away so at the end of shopping our feet were hurting like mad. By the way the two girls were fantastic at giving directions!

Anyway we thought that it would be a good idea to show you what we bought! 🙂

(Hopefully you can see all the photos because lately I’ve been having quite a few problems with uploading photos, I don’t know why).

This is what Lola bought:

(I’ll be translating what she says, keep in mind that I will not be the one talking.)



#Facetheday by COLLECTION

I wanted a palette like this for a long time but I couldn’t find one which was good and quite cheap. My favourite colour is the one next to the pale pink blusher I guess, It’s a nice suttle shimmery gold colour . (boots)


Think Pink by Lush.

I’ve never been in a Lush Store so I really wanted to get a bath bomb, simple.




I’ve been in quite a few shops looking for this nice dark green colour but none had it even Sephora didn’t, theirs wasn’t pretty. When I saw this one in KIKO was perfect I was over the moon! It was only 1£.



I love the cut on this t-shirt and the faded grey or black.




Very Pink by Impulse.

We don’t have this brand in France so I just wanted to try it out. (boots)




All the t-shirts I’ve bought are from Primark in this haul. Haha

Okay so in this photo the t-shirt kind of looks like a bat. Anyway there’s like holes on the arms. ( I don’t know how we call those) I also like the flares on the arms.


Cast_20160813_9445_P8130114.JPGCamouflage Jacket.

So I love all the camouflagy things at the moment! So yeah I couldn’t resist this Jacket. The Jacket looks better in real life.



What can I say I love jewellery!


Well that’s her hall done let’s get on to mine! As you will notice our sense of style is quite different!

Butterball by Lush.

I chose the butterball bomb so that my skin will go all soft. I’m planning to use it on the last day of the holidays. I was so happy to find out that they are against animal testing.


Bronze Glow by COLLECTION

I love this so much it must be my favourite makeup bit. Though I don’t have any brushes, I can still use my fingers. hahaha, It’s a beautiful light shimmery bronzer it’s kind of like a cross of highlighter and a bronzer.



I had a big crush on this nail varnish, I just couldn’t resist. It’s a nude with gold shimmers. (Kiko)



OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Tea tree witch hazel Charcoal mask. Let me tell you a funny story about this mask, basically at first we were going to share it but at the till. The women told us that there was an offer, they had a buy one get one free. So she got us another one! We were lucky. Things like this makes my day 100x better. (boots)



I love this kind of boho style at the moment as you can see with the bracelets which I got from Primark.




They are not pyjamas! My family keeps on telling me that they are. Okay on their own they kind of look like them but I’m sure that I can rock them with a nice pair of black jeans. (Primark)






I haven’t been to Germany yet but when I do I’ll wear this T-shirt! (Primark)





I don’t wear a lot of bright colours but this one had a nice cut so why not? (Primark)






A nice summery light green t-shirt, I love the cut and simply how airy it is. (Primark)



I think that’s it! I just realized that I should probably stop buying T-shirts and buy warmer stuff instead. I think it was a successful shopping trip usually I don’t buy this much but this time I found a lot of things that I liked. My favourite purchase must be the highlighter/bronzer it makes my skin so shiny and glowy I love it! I’ve never done a haul on my blog  I think, do you guys like hauls?

Have a nice day! Bye!

Lola & Fantarica x

Ramble Scramble Bramble.

This post is going to be about whatever comes to mind!

YAY!!!! The Olympics have started! I loved the opening ceremony, I liked how it was about global warming and taking care of the earth together, I thought that planting a giant tree was a brilliant Idea! I had to watch the ceremony on replay the next morning because it was at night time. The time difference kind of sucks .I’m very happy that they have made a refugee team! I got quite emotional about that, I hope that they’ll do well, it will be great for their future and the future of there families. Plus it gives a lot of hope to other refugees. I’m probably going to support there team. My favourite sports to watch on the Olympics are Weightlifting, Diving ( Those men are so hot…) and synchronised swimming. What are you favourites?

So two weeks ago as you may know I went camping, I went on the beach and went stone picking so I painted TOTORO on a rock!! I love Totoro so much he is such a


loving character! He’s a spirit in the film “My neighbour Totoro” which is one of my favourite films ever I could watch it over and over again. It’s a shame that not many people know who he is. I was on Instagram the other day and there was this picture of Totoro in form of a bed and nobody knew who he was! They all thought that he was simply a big cute cat. 😦

Yesterday I went swimming! I haven’t been swimming for so long maybe more than a year! Because each time I was meant to be swimming I was on my period so yeah that sucks. But this time I wasn’t on my period and I could go swimming! It was so nice just playing around in the pool unsuccessfully trying to teach my brother to swim. After that we had a barbecue yay! I made this sort of banana split-smore thingy. Basically I opened up the banana and I put two pieces of chocolate and a marshmallow then I wrapped it up with tin foil and chucked it on the barbecue. Just let me tell you that this was proper FOODPORN, how everything just melted in your mouth… mmmm.. It’s better than cake.

My best friend from France is coming Tuesday and I am so SO excited!!! I might make posts with her but I’m not sure yet. She is extremely bad at talking English so it’s going to be a funny experience. I’m quite nervous for her because she’s taking the plane for the first time alone to a place where she won’t be able to understand anything! Send her telepathic luck please!

That’s all of my Ramble Scramble Bramble! I’m sorry if the title was to cringy for you. I hope you are having a great summer and that you are having loads of barbecues! BYE!!

Fantarica x


July favourites.

Yep I’m back with a monthly favourites! It feels like I haven’t made one in ages. I love monthly favourites they are my favourite kind of blog post!



1-TEA! I couldn’t make the comeback of this series without tea! I never tried this brand before and I’m impressed. It feels as if I’m drinking fancy tea, I  find the packaging so pretty and fancy with the royal botanic garden mark-print-thingy-with-the-crown. I love the taste! It’s like a super yummy strawberry tart but after a dozen of sips you completely forge about the tart and just think about how nice this tea is. (Also can we just celebrate the fact that I actually went outside to take this picture–Go me!)


2- Book: We were liars by E.Lockhart. I loved this book! A few years ago I tried to read it but I didn’t understand it so I gave up (I know weird huh) I decided to give it another go , I enjoyed it and it was totally understandable, it’s so different from what I usually read. I adored all the characters from the book they each had a different kind of personality and I could relate to a couple of characters.



3-Pastel pink nail varnish. Throughout the year I always go for darker colours but every summer I buy one bright nail varnish. And this year I chose this one, I find this one beautiful and summery and it stays on for quite a long time! I got it from TK maxx for £2, so yeah I got lucky. (The colour on the photo is darker than it should be)


4-Tilted by Christine and the queens. I love this song so much, it make me so happy. So this is a French group (which are equally amazing in French by the way) they made their way onto British radio by mixing their song with English and French, when I first heard them on the radio I was over the moon! We never hear other languages on British radio! So please please Please go and check them out!

Cast_20160727_9180_P7270196.JPG5-Stripy vans! I love these shoes so so much! I have been wearing them all month! Though at first I as worried that they were to small because they were so tight so I tortured myself for a week by wearing them all the time to make them fit, thankfully after a while they  did.


Hope you liked this post! If you have something that you really liked this month please tell me in the comments I would love to know!  Bye! Have a good day!

Fantarica xx

5 fantastic mugs.

Hey tea lovers!

As a tea lover I love looking at different mugs to drink out actually I’m obsessed. I can just imagine in my future house this top cupboard in the kitchen where there will be loads of different kind of beautiful mugs. So I was just browsing the internet and looked at some mugs and I told myself that I’m probably not the only mug lover out there so I decided to do a blog post out of it so that all of you tea lovers can admire these beautiful mugs! So I’m kinda taking you guys shopping with me without actually buying anything. I’ll put the links for each item. Let’s go shopping!

I love how they recreated a romantic pick up line. Who doesn’t love a fun quoted tea cup? Find it here.



This is just so pretty!! It looks so cosy. I would recommend this to anyone who loves cats! Find it here.


I know that this is not a mug but look at it! How cute can it get? A pug infuser!Find it here.


I just find this cup hilariously funny! The person who created this mug must of had a great sense of humour! Hopefully Kim won’t see this. Find it here.


I’m a big fan of studio ghibli so when I saw this mug I was so happy. The Sootes spirits are so cute! Find it here.il_570xN_707324941_nwbp.jpg

I hope you enjoyed going mug shopping with me! My favourite one is the last one I think it’s so sweet!

Hope you had a good day! I had a water fight in the garden as the weather is so warm in the UK, it was great fun!


Fantarica x

 (Non of these are my photos)